What is a Breast Lift or Mastopexy?

A breast lift restores a firmer and more aesthetically pleasing shape to sagging breasts. This not only can improve a patient's appearance by restoring her youthful, feminine proportions, but also help bras and swimsuits fit more comfortably and attractively.

By removing excess, stretched out skin, reshaping the breast tissue, and raising the nipple & areola into a more forward position, a Cosmetic surgeon can create a more youthful breast contour. Stretched, large areola can also be reduced during breast lift surgery, creating an overall better proportioned, natural looking breast.

As women age, the breasts lose shape and firmness. The skin gradually loses its elasticity and no longer holds the breasts in a youthful, upright position. Pregnancy, breast feeding, weight gain and loss also add to the tissue burden of loss of skin elasticity. Women who have sagging breasts (ptosis) may benefit from a breast lift (Mastopexy). If there are also problems of excess volume or size of the breasts, a reduction may also be done at the same time. Volume loss may be corrected by breast augmentation at the same time. Asymmetries may also be improved.

Breast Lift Surgery in Udaipur

Who is a Candidate for a Breast Lift?

  • Women who have sagging breasts
  • Women who want to improve their breast shape
  • Healthy women without underlying breast disease
Senior Breast Lift Surgeons in udaipur

Intended Results of a Breast Lift

  • Higher breasts (lifted)
  • Tighter breast envelope (increased skin tightness)
  • Improved breast symmetry
  • More pleasing breast shape
  • More youthful appearance

At Star Hospital, Udaipur, the Breast lift or Mastopexy is performed by an experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with quality and precision.